Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Bee collage

Today I went around taking snaps of bees. I must have looked pretty weird because people kept stopping and asking me what I was doing. A few people even stopped their car and craned their neck trying to figure it out.
I was walking up and down where there were some wild flowers and bushes, and bent over staring at the ground looking for bees gathering pollen. It is a pretty good time of the year for it.

I think people are getting used to seeing me out taking photos during my breaks, and sometimes my lunch. It's a nice way to keep from eating too much (ha ha).

I have been wanting to put together some sort of collage, just to try it out, and I found out that Picasa lets you do that. I finally figured out how to do it; it took awhile.

That's about it for today, it is soooooooooo late, and I need my beauty sleep.

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