mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Who's the daddy?!

Mr Mono was off work today to see Aidan 'at school' aka Baby Sensory. They had a magic theme today. It was actually pretty good, they had chains of silk hankies to pull from boxes, a duck hidden under a cup, magic wands and a puppet show! I think Mr Mono quite enjoyed the class too! It was Aidan's friend P's last class today as his mummy is back to work in a couple of weeks. We'll miss you mummy E & baby P!

Aidan was very tired today after his day out yesterday. Hopefully he will be better tomorrow.

After Baby Sensory we went to the shops to pick up some bits and then back home for Aidan to nap (and me!). This evening Aidan had a wee spell in his bouncer but got tired quite quickly which isn't like him. Had a bit of trouble getting him to sleep tonight too. Hopefully he can get a good sleep tonight and be more like himself tomorrow.

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