mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Treasure Basket - Playing!

This is Aidan playing with the treasure basket I made on Tuesday. I added a few items - empty loo roll, wooden spoon, plastic spatula and a long metal spoon. It seems no matter how grumpy he is the basket cheers him up! He played with this for over an hour this morning and then again for a similar amount of time this afternoon. He tends to take everything out of the basket but that's fine. It's clearly part of the fun!

Aidan was still a bit off today. Took an hour and half this morning and then again this afternoon to go down for a nap. Lots of hysterical crying that even cuddles couldn't fix!

Went to the Blip Lunch at the Mosque Kitchen. It was nice to put some faces to blip names and to see Skinny Piggy who I don't think I've seen since my wedding more than 2 years ago! It's the first time he's met Aidan, who unfortunately wasn't in the best mood due to bad naps.

He went off to sleep ok tonight once he had some calpol. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious.

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