
By champignons

Mr beetle again. And closer

Mr Beetle didn't leave last night, he took up residence in the jasmine. And then fell off the wall when someone (not me) was photographing him. So I took another barrage of pictures, he's truely the biggest beetle I've ever seen, at least 3 inches not including his legs. He seems quite happy behind the plant pot, I hope he stays.

He's defineily not keen on moving.

Anyways, I spent today doing arse all, pottering about making a birthday present and replanting my buttplants, some of them are big enough to be moving in to the main display pot- mostly a symbolic act as both pots are in the same place, the only sunny, nut free window I have, but I've grown them from seed and they are adult so wooooooooo

I've let both the boys oversleep in thier nap, now either will go to bed on time. I guess I should go and wake them...

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