Gifts of Grace

By grace


At this time of year it's tempting to rename my journal 'My garden and me.'

Today I realised just how little time I've spent in the garden this spring. I had a grand plan to sow some more seeds but didn't actually manage to get out there till 6.00pm. For me the joy of gardening is drifting around doing whatever comes to hand. Tonight that meant undoing all the spring pots, repotting bulbs, cleaning up and deadheading. All in a slow motion haze, courtesy of a burgeoning ear infection which has me deaf in one ear. This rather pleasant altered state helped me track this bee as he cruised for his dinner. He seemed to be in slow motion too buzzing lazily from geranium, to stocks, oriental poppies to chives, but he kept coming back to the remains of the wallflowers, sippping from each in turn.

The seeds will have to wait, I'm following his lead and am off to eat my dinner.

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