a town called E.

By Eej

Medical Nip

Our Kitty is so scared of thunderstorms and SO blissful after some catnip, I'm thinking of 'drugging' her with it if a storm is expected. Problem is that any storm prediction changes hourly. I can't keep the poor thing on catnip all hours of the day, can I? Don't think she'd mind though. It's even possible that the other 4 will fake astrapophobia*, just to get their fix.

Another hot hazy humid day and instead of keeping cool inside, I decided to dig the flowerbed that I've been holding off on for ever and ever. 'Obviously not the smartest idea you've ever had' I said to myself after the first bucket of sweat. But, it looks really good (or will, when I'm actually done) and I'm quite proud.

Too bad England couldn't beat the US :/

*according to this list.

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