a town called E.

By Eej


... that the week is over.
... that the boss is not calling in lots more hands to help when what we really need is ME.
... that there's a really good chance ME will be doing what needs to be done.

But for the next two days I will forget all about embroidery and everything else and have fun.

Mom & Dad Broty took us out for 'all-you-can-eat-perch'. I don't eat meat, but I'll occasionally eat fish (only if it doesn't look like it used to be an animal) and fresh Michigan perch is really nice. I also had strawberry shortcake for the first time in my life. I thought it was just a cartoon character. Who knew it was a delicious treat? Don't answer that! ;)

Then, we drove around for a bit while I looked at the glorious cherry trees, the humid haze in the distance, the fields of wild flowers.

Outside a big damp hot blanket hangs over the world, but hurray for airconditioned cars and houses.

Such a good way to start the weekend :)

Looks VERY inviting and relaxing BIG.

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