
By andyclicks


Now if you've ever seen me trying to take a picture of a bee it might just be one of the funniest things you'll see

i sneak up to the bee, then i take a picture then run quickly backwards because those things fly you know, its not just a myth
well it may not have helped that i was wearing a bright red top, and all animals love my camera, the lens looks really eye-like and also it too is bright green. so the bees ended up chasin me inside

but i'm still quite pleased with this shot :)

today was slightly bizaree, had music rehearsals this morning, a concert in early afternoon in a convent, it was quuite bizare really, also on the way home i bought two more fishies for my tank, and cleaned it all out too and got new plants. it's looking really good now. maybe it will be featured in a blip soon :)

anyways i best be off now nightt xx

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