An Apple a Day...

By anappleaday

Sneaky Nighttime Photo

This trip was the first time I have ever been to stay the night at my in-laws house. My in-laws are Mr. Apple's mom and grandmom and we have had a bit of a contentious relationship. I have never stayed with them before because we always lived in the same city and would just go home at night. I was incredibly nervous about this trip and not looking forward to it. It was fine, I survived, nothing bad happened.

I do not feel comfortable taking photos around them and consequently, they have rarely seen me with my camera and certainly wouldn't be impressed with my TTV contraption made of cardboard and duct tape. After they went to bed, I still had to get my blip for the day so I took a few shots around the house and felt like I was a kid sneaking around getting in trouble! It felt rebellious! I took a couple of other sneakier shots from the house but I feel so uncomfortable about even showing them that I decided to post Mr. Apple instead.

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