Portal into the green dimension

Gracious. The all day, cool, misty rain has everything looking so green that it is practically mind-boggling. I loved today's weather and could easily live where it was like this three days of the week, maybe even four.

Slightly mind-boggling...my ability to pick the murderer in a TV mystery even before watching the show. As we settled into our comfy couch (with both animals by our side) to watch an episode of Inspector Lewis (newest season, just got them in the mail) I said to Mr F: it's the not-terribly-unattractive, middle-aged lady that did it. And it was.

Mind-boggling for sure...USA not getting killed by England's superior soccer team. I have one, no, two small problems with watching the matches. One is the constant buzzing of the vuvuzelas which makes it sound like there is a giant swarm of bees on TV. The other is that the size of the playing field is just too large with a lot of useless running and nothing happening as the result. If they shrunk the field to half regulation size, the pace would pick up. It would be much more engaging.

I'm excited because I found the perfect potted plants to sink into the pebbles around the large, bubbling boulder, making it look more natural and lush. It's a dwarf papyrus and will love having its roots submerged in ten inches of water. If it weren't raining all day I would have done that. Instead, I finished out the last 20 of the 170 Flash Essentials tutorials and will now start going back, hoping that repetition, along with doing the exercises, will result in some type of information osmosis. Great stuff. Then, when I'm an expert, what'll I do with my new skill? Who the hell knows. Not me.

Just trying to stop too many brain cells from dying in a single day.

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