A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Old St. Pat's Church in Chicago, IL

Today baby Morgan was baptized at the oldest church in Chicago. It's a beautiful structure but it is so much more than a structure. There is something about this place that really tugs at my heart. It is light and bright inside with pews that are curved in an 'S' pattern rather than straight. It's a welcoming place with laughter and the priest seems to be a real down-to-earth fellow. If that is a respectable way to refer to a priest...oh heck, even if it's not, it's still my opinion. What I liked most was that they did this baptism separate from the church service/mass. So it was all about families and babies. It lasted 45 minutes and five babies were baptized. It was lovely and I enjoyed it very much.

Thank you blip friends for the encouraging comments yesterday. I still have a bit of a pit in my stomach over the stormy ordeal, but I am now able to start to put it in perspective. It's really not that big a deal. No one was hurt and perhaps there will be several vendors next Saturday who 'go tent-less' although I think having one is a requirement. My schedule this week is completely booked up watching grandchildren and commuting to the city to do it. I also have to make an important phone call tomorrow to schedule a medical test. It's a follow-up to one I had done three months ago. The dumb thing is, I didn't even know it was necessary until last week when they called me. It's unsettling, but surely no big deal. I just don't have time this week.

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