
By disdatdudda

all at sea about a sea change...

"There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul."
Victor Hugo

(and here you have the first two...! the interior of a soul is on this side of the gate...holding a camera!!...what a spectacle...)

"When was the last time you spent a quiet moment just doing nothing - just sitting and looking at the sea?"
Ralph Marston

(this morning??)

"The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

(waiting...patiently...not anxious at all. i'm not "all at sea about a sea change"... promise! can i have my gift now? )

"The loneliness you get by the sea is personal and alive. It doesn't subdue you and make you feel abject. It's stimulating loneliness. "
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

same place...different gate

for my students only:
i'm all/completely at sea = confused
a sea change = complete change

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