Sight Seen

By Microfoam

Genus Corvus

I love crows. I also find them incredibly obnoxious at times. But I still love them. They represent a transcendent presence. They, like some spirit animal, are present wherever I am. In the city, I find them eating all sorts of disgusting street oddities. In the country, I hear them. I see them fly in circles. I see them pester hawks. I see them being pestered by smaller birds. But I just know they're wicked smart.

When I can afford it, I intend to have a flock of crows, or a murder, tattooed going from the right side of my chest out and around my shoulder. Below them will be a golden wheat field. It's important to remember the beauty of my youth, especially the countryside. It will always be a part of me regardless of how often I visit.

This crow was hopping down the chain link fence as I sauntered boldly forward to attempt to capture its sideway cocked little head. But of course it took off, which still looks pleasing to me on film.

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