Silly Hat

The neck warmer Jo bought me for my birthday last week makes an idea "silly hat" and also keeps my head warm. I have been getting a few laughs in the morning at work. I wear the neck warmer on my ride in on the bike but when I get to work I find it is quite pleasant to leave it on top of my head. I am usually the first to arrive so as people roll in I get a few chuckles and not a few head shakes.

We need a laugh at work right now. It is extremely busy still. My workmates are putting in a lot of effort and the potential for crankyness. I do my best to keep everyone happy. Today I played a delightful music video on my Mac. It is an Ashes to Ashes spin off I think. Eighties music complete with commentary. Quite amusing. I also played a very long Madness DVD. We all liked singing along while we worked...Ok, I liked singing along...OK, I liked singing along and made up rude lyrics to get some cheap laughs.

Now to walk Jassy and go to bed. I am very, very tired.

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