I feel infinite.

By racheelz

As We Go On...We Remember

I'm officially done with finals! Monday are my AP classes so I don't have to take any more tests and it's my last day of school! Then Tuesday I'm leaving for China and Taiwan for my vacation.

To celebrate my end of finals, I had to volunteer at the 8th grade graduation dance. Basically, we stood behind the food tables and served food FOR FOUR HOURS. I was one of the drink pourers and we went through so many 2 liters; it got pretty crazy. They only really needed us for the first hour to help serve food so the rest of it we just sat there and watched the graduates dance. It brought back a lot of memories because I remember graduating middle school three years ago! Amazing that I made it this far and I'm pretty much a senior now.

During those three hours of nothingness, I took pictures of the dance. I thought this one looked the coolest and showed all the hype. I also got all the single ladies as they were dancing to the same song haha. The girl closest to the middle in the white, black, and pink dress is Julie, Laura's sister, who graduated today. Congratulations to her!

The last song of the dance was Graduation by Vitamin C, which I believe is a tradition to play because it was played at my 8th grade graduation also. It's true that as we go on, we still remember.

(I realized that my recent blips have been processed a lot more than usual. It's because I found so many new effects that I never knew existed in my photo editing program. I'm giving them all a shot!)

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