Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Lake Huron

We went to learn about dune succession today at one of my favorite places up here, Grass Bay. Along the Northeast tip of the mitten Grass Bay is a piece of seeps, marshes, and dunes spilling out onto the enormous shores of Lake Huron. It is just a small unassuming tract of forest and sand owned by the Nature Conservancy but it contains some pretty unique habitats and creatures. Shy and elusive dune plants like beach rose and sweetfern poke up through the sands, leopard frogs hide from water snakes in the shallows, and gulls, terns, and plovers patrol the shores. It is a peaceful place...

...at least until you bring a mob of talkative rambunctious college students there. Soon though even they were captured by the quiet beauty of the place. Our whole class disbursing like dandelion seeds across the nooks and crannies of sandbars and seeps. We walked along the shoreline and waded out into the waves, built sand castles by the shore and practiced handstands together. On the way out Dave and I even spotted a piping plover, a new species for my list. They are very endangered and part of ongoing monitoring efforts here. A lucky omen.

Another perfect day along the lakes. MMMmmmmm, I love it up here :)

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