Another Day

By pcc

100th Blip

I knew that today was going to be my 100th blip, and I had a vision of what I was going to do, but also knew that I had a workshop all day, so did not know when I was going to fit it in.
Well as liuck had it, the day started with a blue sky - just what I wanted. It only lasted for about 30 minutes. Whew..
What a journey - I am hooked - line and sinker - when ever I pass my computer I give it a tap to see what is happening in Blipland.
Thank you to the team who started it going - you have introduced me to a form of 'escapism'.
I have been inspired by looking at other people's journals, and I have learnt a little about poetry, and feelings, and continue to explore Blipland.
Thanks to everyone who has looked at my efforts over the past 100 days, and for their encouragement and especially to those who have subscribed to my journals and given me hearts.
Here is to another 100 days....

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