occhi verdi

By occhiverdi


Volunteered at a senior citizens community center this morning/afternoon with some of my fellow grad students.
I didn't realize we were volunteering for a party; it was awesome. Not only did I finally meet a girl that my friend Chris had been trying to get me to be friends with in my program (thanks, Chris. I won't doubt you next time. You do actually know cool people.), but there was dancing. A ton of dancing. Did I mention that I love dancing?
I must have mentioned it somewhere.

Speaking of dancing, this 78-year-old woman was amazing on the dance floor. So much so that as she was walking away (dancing all the while), I had to ask her if I could get her photo. She was adorable. I also couldn't believe she was 78. I want to see my 88-year-old grandmother dance like this at our next party.

I'm in the process of posting a bunch of photos from today to my flickr so the other guys and gals that came to volunteer can check them out too.
Most of them are not that entertaining.. but if you're interested in seeing people you don't know and will never meet dancing together, feel free to click on through.

Champagne Friday tonight in Dallas and also a trip to see the Mark Morris modern dance troupe at the AT&T performing arts center. (Most beautiful theatre. Seriously. It was designed with a great aesthetic). I feel so cultured sometimes.
Le sigh.

(I only wish I hadn't blown out the whites in this one. It was a one shot blip.. it wasn't like she was going to stand there for a few minutes.. I was literally interrupting her dancing her way out.)

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