occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

No One's Gonna Love You

More than I do.

Happy Father's Day!
I would have preferred to get a different photo of my parents.. but I don't post enough of them as it is, so this one is sticking.
Spent the morning on some super lame website where you bid on items as follows:
Bidder 1 clicks a bid in. The clock starts from 12 seconds until someone else places a bid.
Bidder 2 clicks their bid in. The clock starts over.
Bidders 3-18 are just waiting in the shadows of the interwebs - watching the bidding wars. Then, when it gets down 1 or 2 seconds on the clock, everyone places a bid and the count starts over. I'm an aggressive bidder. Always. I like gambling. I do not like wasting my time. You can't win by placing a bid at the last second. You can only prevent people winning at the last second. There was a lot of that going on.
The trick is trying to get people to let the clock run out on your bid and everyone else thinks someone else is going to place the last second bid.
I wasted a lot of time yesterday.. but it was for my dad, so I did it.

I think he started bidding at around 8 or 9am; I took over for him for about an hour and a half... and then he continued until 3:30pm. On the same camera. (Canon EOS Rebel xTi) Oh yeah, the bidding increments are .1 - a penny.
At 3:30, we all had a mutiny to go eat. I feel bad now for wasting our time since we didn't even finish.
This is the longest, most pointless story to say that I hate whatever website that is and it's not worth my time. Sorry for wasting yours.
Had it been for a Nikon D3.. I would have taken one for the team.

Dad was trying to take a ridiculous photo, but he ended up just looking jolly. I think I get my red-in-the-face-ness from him. (Hmm. You think, Liz?) Granted, it was about 100 degrees outside and he was drinking a bloody mary. Though I have been told I look more like my mom since I lost my baby fat at the ripe young age of 20.
I love you, Dad... but I'd rather look like Mom.


A little advice from my friend Todd. You're welcome.

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