
By Pix


Last day in IoM today - early meetings with roofer and estate agents and web client, tidy up the house a bit and took this photo looking down the two flights of stairs.

Had a dilemma about which to blip today - I also liked this similar shot taken from the same place with Cari at the bottom looking up. Also this one of soda syphons, though I love the syphons much more than this photo of them which didn't quite do what I wanted - I think they are a design classic, wonderful shapes and colours though I thought this photo worked better in B&W.

Then back for lunch and took some of mum and uncle, and I was happy with the composition of this, but dunno, it just lost out to the one above, even though I had wanted to blip the owner of this shed, which is one of my favourite photos of the week.

Am really pleased with the photos this week, lots of variety, and thanks for all the comments, especially on the beach stones photo yesterday. Back in Sheffield now after a lovely smooth ferry crossing, so expect photos to take a turn for the worse after today.

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