Donita's Daily Dose

By pondosakate

Monday Morning at the Lafayette Reservoir

We now meet at 6:30 a.m. on Monday mornings to beat the heat, and the heat has barely gotten started yet. You can see that Spring's green has given way to Summer's yellow and brown and that the trail has been groomed to prevent fires.

I just had time for a quick blip this morning. I've been busy all day. It's my turn to bring a snack to share at French class this evening--I made cheese puffs. I also cooked something for dinner while the oven was hot. I'm still getting things ready for the trip to the Sierras on Thursday. Today's preparations were devoted to waterproofing and insect proofing clothing. I expect a lot of wet from snow melt if not rain, and a new hatch of mosquitoes.

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