my little eye

By i4detail

The little gull chick

who has now become our cat, Tripod's, best friend.

It fell out of the nest last week but has shown great survival instincts so far. It has created a little haven between a couple of overgrown gardens and an undisturbed area around the back of the BT Telephone Exchange which leads off the far corner of our courtyard.

We have started leaving a little food for it because it wanders round the courtyard making a very pathetic little wail and, well let's face it, now I worry about it.

Because Tripod brought it into our house (very carefully) and sat with it until we discovered it on the bedroom floor, it has no fear of the cat - in fact they are very relaxed with each other and sit together in the warm evenings. But I'm sure he'll learn (if he carries on growing up to be a strapping, stroppy seagull).

I can't wait until he can fly and live safely off the ground and I won't wake up in the night worrying about someone running him over or chasing him off. As if I haven't got enough to worry about...

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