A wee bit of this & that

By frayedattheedge

Don't Look Down!

Back blipping again as I've had some computer free days which were bliss.

On holiday this week from my main job and boy have I lucked out. Fab weather, good football and Wimbledon. What more could a girl ask for? Ok then to work on a Monday night for an amazing gig.

It was Suzanne Vega at the City Halls. As you can imagine working in concert halls means I get to see a lot of gigs. This is a real perk of the job but even great gigs can seem mediocre because of this volume so it takes some for someone to be able to stand out. Hmmm wonder which song I'll link to... have a guess?

Back to the pic. This is the pavement outside the artist entrance to the City Halls. If you ignore the cig butts it's really lovely. with depictions of orchestra members, Robert Burns quotes and of course the BBC Symphony Orchestra who have their home there.

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