Christine's Photospace

By ceckel


I am soooo close to being done with the first draft revision of the lab manual. Finished the last "regular" chapter today. Woo hoo! Unfortunately, I decided to add a small introductory chapter and that is not finished yet. The goal is to have it in to my editor tomorrow though. That way I can enjoy a weekend of whitewater rafting in the New River Gorge.

I took some more really cool photomicrographs today, but I also went out for a bike ride early in the afternoon after I had submitted my last chapter to my editor and before it started to rain for the evening. It was a grunt of a ride (looooong climb in the heat), but I really needed it! I saw a lot of butterflies again, and a silly groundhog who chattered at me when I rode by. No turkey like I saw last week though.

Up on Kate's Mountain I spotted a butterfly in the road that didn't appear to be moving. Poor thing was dead, but it did provide a nice opportunity to get a quick blip. If I hadn't been so dead tired from the hard climb in the heat I might have stuck around longer and took more photos. Now that I see how cool his proboscis is, I really wish I would have. It's funny how you notice things in photos that you don't always see with your own eyes.

Tomorrow is Friday! One more chapter and a few bone photos to take. I must get it all done. I must! I want to go have FUN this weekend.

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