
By LadyFindhorn


Well it seems like the forecast of a barbeque summer is starting to look correct.
Today was hot and quite muggy and the city was alive with all shapes and sizes squeezed into T-shirts, shorts and summer dresses.

The tour buses in their red livery were pulsating with heat as they formed an orderly queue on Waverley Bridge waiting to upload passengers who seemed quite content to lick their ice creams on the benches in Princes Street Gardens.

Nearer to home the Meadows were adorned with sunworshippers on picnic rugs, mothers with prams and sunshaded babes, students with frisbees, and groups with the omnipresent but prohibited barbeques, the smoke going straight up into the windless air and no-one enforcing the ban.

Daughter #3, recently flown in from Oman and recovered from sleep deprivation and the imbibing of a certain amount of alcohol last night, was off to train it through to Glasgow to meet a friend, leaving his Lordship and me to collect a Suffolk cycling friend and his grandson from the campsite at Mortonhall and give them coffee and lunch.
The grandson is over from the States and the two of them are doing a whirlwind tour of the north of England and southern Scotland in a car.

Over coffee and lunch we had a good catch up on news of mutual friends we met on various cycling tours and then we managed to off load some excess cycling goods that will find new homes in Suffolk.

Now after I post this blip, I'm off to water the garden. I can't remember the last time it rained, but I'm certainly not complaining.

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