It Started Down Under

By dirk


It was a hot day. This morning I played the piano in the St. Elisabeth Hospital in Tilburg together with the choir. Afterwards we sat inside the airconditioned café and had a cup of tea.

Next we traditionally paid a visit to a snackbar in Diessen. We had chips and snacks and a drink of course. Talked some, had fun.

Later today I went to the Hilvermert. This is some kind of fair in my home village Hilvarenbeek. I went there together with 2 friends. One of them shot this picture of me while I was trying to hit balloons with and arrow. I missed 5 times, but had fun nevertheless.

We bought an icecream, some strawberries and enjoyed the music and stands.

Now I am sitting at my room, sweating of the heat and waiting until we can start baking meat at our improvised barbecue. This evening my girlfriend will drop by, can't wait. :)

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