Lisa Marie

By lisamarie

My pal the shark.

So this is not the best photo but I really wanted to put it up! On Friday we went to an aquarium called Zoomarine. We weren't allowed to take photographs with a flash inside but I managed to get this pretty grainy photograph of a shark - it was so dark it was pretty hard to get anything clearly without a tripod. This shark was mental. And huge. I was watching it lurking about in the corners of its huge home when it suddenly turned around and, I swear, looked at me. It proceeded to swim directly at me and so I took a few snaps. It was behind glass but having it swim towards me was still quite scary. I used to hate sharks when I was little but now I can appreciate they are sort of fiercely beautiful. After it swam towards me it just turned around and swam away; my boyfriend had walked on ahead of me so he doesn't quite get why I was a bit of a gibbering weirdo when I caught up with him. I don't quite get it either but for some reason, I really liked that shark.

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