Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo


Thank you all so for all the lovely comments yesterday :) It made me so happy and so glad that I am a part of this community. I didnt see them all until this afternoon and I was overwhelmed by how kind you all are. Thank you :)

My boys, my parents and I are on the beautiful Swedish island of Koster - it is so idyllic here, I love it :) We have been biking, eating ice cream, and spending time on the beach - so nice!

This is a photo of Daniel- after my Dad, Erik and I had completely buried him in the sand, and just as a big wave was coming in due to the ferry going by :) He got soaked! :D

Please forgive my lack of commenting - internet is hard for me to get here - but I look forward to catching up with you all soon! Hope you are having wonderful summer days :)

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