
I swear that I had planned not to blip a bird today. They are even beginning to bore me, and there are so many better bird photographers on this site.

Of course, when I came in from doing a few errands, here was this fledgling Carrion Crow (Corvus corone) literally sitting on my doorstep. The blipgods had conspired...

I'm a bit worried about this youngster, though. He was obviously a bit distressed, and a bit battered. He may have been clipped by a car, or attacked by gulls; he was not using his wings well (though he is very young) and his beak is a bit skew-whiff. His Mum was sitting in a nearby tree, cawing at me as I approached.

I managed to gently shepherd him off the steps, and he hopped away. I think I may have seen him on a rooftop close-by later.....

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