
By cracker

Upgrading to DSLR!!

Haven't done much today, i'm still not feeling 100%, sore tummy and a bit bloated so I haven't gone to work tonight again. Kaz worked at the kitchen table today which was nice to make sure that I was ok and Spence wasn't too much for me!

Spence and I went over to Joe and Bev's for about an hour this morning and I showed them by Thailand Blurb book (which they loved) and had a chat in general. I love watching Joe play with Spence, they have so much fun together!

I had a sleep when Spence had his sleep which was really nice! I woke up about 4.30 and the sun was just about to go down behind the hills behind us so I quickly got the camera out and took a couple of shots.

It's my birthday in a week and a half and Kaz is going to get me a new DSLR camera!! She has told me already so I can do some research to find the one I want! Am thinking of going with a Canon because the one I am using now is a Canon and the buttons and functions might be similar. Am thinking the 450D, 500D or 550D at the moment. The only difference it seems between the 500 and 550 are increased MP from 15.1 to 18 and better HD video recording in the 550D. Any help, opinions and advice is gratefully accepted!!

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