
By cracker

Winter trees

Up early this morning to get Spence to daycare so we could be in the city by 10am. We dropped Spence off at 7.50 and there were only two other kids there. We don't like leaving him at daycare for too long, usually 9-5 is more than enough.

Kaz and I are trying to have another baby. I have been taking an assortment of drugs to get my body ready for IVF. Today's procedure was to harvest my eggs. I had been told that I had 12 ready to go and ended up with 13 which was great. Hopefully one of them will produce a little baby!

We made it to the centre with plenty of time, Kaz stayed with me until I had been admitted then she left to go into work and get a few things done. I got ready in my gown and waited to be called in. I was up on the table one second then what seemed like the next second (which was actually an hour!) I was in recovery feeling very tired and 'floaty'!! I managed to get down a sandwich and some lemonade (which later made a quick exit!!) and off we went back home! I slept for the afternoon until 5.30pm. I woke up and could hear Kaz and Spence in the lounge room and my first reaction was 'why are they both up so early in the morning'! I thought it was 5.30 in the morning!!

Kaz helped me out today and took this photo on her way to get Spence from daycare. It was taken at about 4.30pm of some trees by the side of a street in town. The sun was going down and it has a real wintry feel to it!

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