
By squeakier

happy happy joy joy

yesterday when i woke up, i was greeted by a text from my grandmother that said my truck had been found! after almost 3 months missing, i was certain it was gone for good, but it was recovered on the 23rd of june and impounded in the heart of cypress park.

to my shock, my truck was not stripped for parts. not even the battery was missing. i hopped in, turned the key, and it started right up. i had my friend take a look at it, and he says everything looks and sounds great.

we headed back to his house and celebrated like fools until dawn. i can't drive it till i get new plates, as those were stolen along with all my belongings, but today i will ride my bike to work with a spring in my step and a song in my heart.

i also learned today that my aunt passed her state boards for nursing, so it has been a great week for my family.

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