Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther


Two years ago I had my heart broken.

Since then it's been a really challenging uphill battle to be happy, peaceful and content without him and to stop missing him and that magic we had.

But recently I started feeling that I'd like a fresh start with someone new. That it could be wonderful to love someone again and it'd be lovely to have someone love me.

And with that new feeling and frame of mind I suddenly became aware of lots of hearts around me as I went about my day!

I'd see a heart shaped leaf or flower petal on the floor in front of me, clouds shaped that way too, adverts in shop windows with the word love in bright bold letters.

Just the other week I glanced up at a window after spending time with someone special and I saw a little heart made from twisted willow branches hanging there. It made me smile.

So I'm feeling happy and hopeful and that potentially love is all around.

I love fresh starts and exciting new projects like this - so that's why I've started with this beautiful wooden heart on a wicker basket. It's simple and lovely and I hope you like it too.

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