A girl on a mission!

By missmission

Feeding time in the Zoo!!!

Lottie is such a messy eater when it comes to yogurts but seems to have got messier lately! She's developed this annoying habit of playing with the bits she spills and rubbing it into my table! Very annoying as it dries on almost straightaway and takes forever to get off!!!

I know I should stop her playing with her food but I had a bad mummy moment today and instead of stopping her I grabbed my camera and took some shots of her eating!!!

Nothing else to say today. I'm in a bad mood cos hubby just got a new ipod or something and is more interested in that! Plus I had to go up to the hospital for a blood test today and the stupid nurse has left me with a whopping bruise!!! Mind you...off out for the day tomorrow with Lottie! We're going to Cattle Country. She is going to be sooo excited! Can't wait!!

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