Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Great day in the sun

We decided to go on an adventure today.

All four of us packed up in the land rover and headed out to the North spit. My husband has taken the boys out there a few times, but I have been at work. So we begin our off road adventure by getting stuck and then stuck again and again. My husband is Mr. cool and calm, while I'm panicking. We managed to get out of that spot fine but then drove on to a new spot he hadn't been before.

The road was a long one, and it didn't take too much time to get stuck on a hill. So I'm jumping on the back of the rover and then pushing with all my might to get it up the hill. I'm amazed at the adrenaline I had to get my babies unstuck!

Once we made it to a spot near the ocean, the boys and I hopped out and started heading to the beach. My husband decided to let some air out of the tires hoping that would solve our sticky problem.

We played on the beach and saw so many beautiful things. I watched an osprey fly straight over my head with a giant fish in its talons, but my 18-55mm kit lens is worthless in those situations. The sun was amazing, and the water was blue and majestic. There wasn't a soul in sight, which made it perfect and peaceful.

When we decided to head back, we were amazed at how letting a bit of air out of the tires made all the difference in the world. We whizzed right by the sticky spots and even went back to tackle some things we couldn't get through earlier. It was really a lot of fun.

This shot is of the bay that our home faces. This is from the other side and a bit North of our house. I thought the reflection was really lovely, so it was my favorite out of all the photos. I tend to have trouble with settings on landscape shots so my other ones just weren't as crisp.

Tomorrow should be exciting, as my mom is coming to visit us, and we are heading South to a SCA Event in the Gold Beach, Oregon area. I hope to get some great shots of people in the crowds.

Sunday is Independence day so an evening filled with fireworks. I can't wait to get my tripod and take some amazing shots. Goodie goodie!

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