
By esme

All good things come to an end

Spent most of the day out and about in town on another positively glorious summer day. I had my lunch in the meadows and had still couldn't quite believe how warm it was. Is this really Scotland?

Headed round to D & L's to catch a bit of the Andy Murray match and snapped this impressive view of his music room as I was leaving. It's kinda like every musicians nirvana. As I made my way from their flat to The Ghillie Dhu, I passed all the happy people in Festival Square watching the match on the big screen. Too bad he just couldn't hold his own against Nadal and our Scot is out again.

Our evening then consisted of a work leaving do en masse for all of us redundant-ee's. It's really sinking in that I'm not just on a wee holiday from work but that I really won't be going back there ever! Man! It was nice to have a proper chance to say goodbye to everyone, though this town is so small I'm sure I'll see them around.

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