Gail's Daily Tales

By gailsdailytales


I thought I'd best try to squeeze into my favourite Heaton shirt and see what the damage is...

It's not too bad actually, and I'll certainly be wearing it to any concerts that I can make this year. As you know, we missed Glasto (*sob*) so our next chance to see Mr Heaton is September 22nd.

Erm, a few problems to iron out first. I'll either be a mother to a very young baby, or a week away from my due date. No chance of the latter really, as being induced at 36/37 weeks seems to be the plan. So, I'll probably have a 2 to 3 week old newborn who will hardly give me time-out to go to a gig.

Actually, when it's written down like that, I've no chance of getting there, unless I put the baby in a papoose?

Horace, do you provide baby changing facilities backstage?


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