The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Bless the Weather

Ardnamurchan Point to Cape Wrath
Issued by the Met Office at 0400 UTC on Sunday 04 July 2010

24 hour forecast:
Wind - Southerly or southeasterly 6 to gale 8, veering westerly or southwesterly 7 to severe gale 9, occasionally storm 10 in south, decreasing 5 to 7 later.
Sea State - Rough or very rough.
Weather - Rain, showers later.
Visibility - Moderate or poor, becoming good.

Oh God, I hope I tied that boat up properly - the weather out my front gate is bad enough. Out to maw to show her my photos. She's bought a Canon Ixus with an optical viewfinder as her previous camera confused her - she couldn't connect the image she was seeing on the camera screen with what it was pointing at.
Good God - 5:30pm and I've not touched a drop. Must rectify that immediately.

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