Black belts and more

Our youngest grandchildren, Michael and Emmy, earned their black belts in taekwondo tonight. They have been attending karate class twice a week for three years, and tonight they received their coveted black belts. Really snazzy ones too with their names embroidered in gold lettering. Well done, kids. We're really proud of you!

This has been a week of good news for our family. In addition to Michael and Emmy's black belt accomplishment, our daughter Alison (their mother) passed her state board exam for nursing. To say she was excited is putting it mildly. She started nursing school at the same time M and E started karate, so their family has a lot to celebrate this week.

About three months ago our granddaughter Carrie (aka Blipsqueak ) lost her truck. It was stolen from in front of her residence. She reported it, but hadn't heard a word, and she has been using a bicycle and public transit to get to work. Last week, it suddenly showed up in an impound lot with next to no damage and more gas than when it disappeared. One of life's more pleasant conundrums.

That's all the news for tonight from the north coast of Ohio. It has been a sultry day with more heat and humidity predicted for tomorrow. Would someone send a little cool weather this way please?

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