Declan Swan...

Do you remember Declan Swan? This is aimed more at the BritBlippers.

Declan Swan was the boy whose eyes were injured in the advert for accident compensation at the height of the "No Win No Fee" injury claim boom that happened a couple of years ago. I only really noticed the absence of those adverts which at the time seemed to be on all the time. I thought it was a sad time when we were turning into the blame and claim culture we more often associated with our cousins across the pond.

It came back to my conciousness today because I've been sent an e-mail asking for 'assistance' from a legal firm in a case of some kid falling down some stairs at a skate park.

I don't wish any ill will on the injured party but I really wonder about people who decide that an accident requires some sort of blame or monetary compensation. I know there are cases that this is something that can help but I'm always a bit sceptical about intent.

Anyway, it should be interesting concocting a reply because as far as I can see there is no entity that can be blamed for an accident that could have happened to anybody.

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