Fisheye Bremner...

I went to blip the Loony Dook at the start of the year (all you lot that expressed interest in doing a BlipDook in January, be warned, that forum search makes it soooo much easier to find you.) and one of the scenes that struck me was the photographers that I think it was safe to assume were taking shots for the RedTop newspapers. Whenever some rather eye amenable young lady entered the water in very little attire, they would crowd round them, all raising and pointing their lens' in the a semi circle toward them.

Today, I saw a mini Blip equivalent at the official D77 Monthly Mosque meet. As soon as Mr Bremner (pictured) handed a pair of genuine fighter pilot goggles to Mosque Meet's namesake three rather large camera's instantaneously raised and pointed in his direction and were primed before he even managed to raise them to his head.

It was rather funny.

A brill half day with some brill company. Thanks guys.


Notes on the Picture...
This was taken by holding the fisheye viewfinder of Stewart's Lomo in front of the lens on my compact bliptool. It actually did a rather good picture which you can see a fair bit of detail if you throw it through the BIGGIFICATION filter.

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