
By dailykeith

Pause for thought

I walk past this place fairly regularly and I always find it slightly unsettling - it certainly gets me thinking.

The interesting thing is that my mind games usually start from a position of complete negativity and end up thinking positive thoughts.

The juxtaposition of the message and the barbed wire obviously presents a stark contrast.

Put simply, God's house is supposed to be open to all, yet the razor-sharp metal is designed to keep everyone out.

For me, the forbidding coils also clash with the Christian message that we should love our neighbour with all our heart and soul.

But when I first started contemplating this scene, I suddenly thought how similar a coil of barbed wire was to a crown of thorns.

And I think, if you are of a religious disposition, the two opposites are actually perfect partners.

To a Christian, Christ was crucified wearing a crown of thorns, he was resurrected and will rise again.

So from now on, perhaps this should actually be an uplifting sight.

It's just a thought... but apologies to anyone not the slightest bit interested in religion.

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