
By traceyflowerpot

Bee Content...

Eric and I went for a walk around some woodland near Cockely Cley in Norfolk, it is such a beautiful peaceful little place. It has deer (only seen one there though) birds , squirrels, insects and fungi, lots to photograph.

But it wasnt such a good trip as it normally is, not because of things to photograph but I saw something moving around in the grass, we stopped for a while to see if we could see what it was without disturbing it, but it was still moving, so we got really close, it was a baby squirrel which had fallen out of a tree and injured itself. It was in such a stressful state and obviously in pain, it really upset me, but Eric believes that its nature we must not get involved.

We left the little fellow and moved on, I found a little dead shrew to, poor little thing, I have never seen a shrew before, such a sweet looking animal.

I came across this little bee though and I watched him for about 5 minutes he was a little dormant but he was still going about his daily life. Which made me think..he seemed so content in what he was doing , getting his pollen or whatever he was doing, and he still seemed so happy,even though it was quite cool.

I do feel sorry for the little squirrel we saw, but the bee taught me a little lesson in life, that we are here and why we are here we should be happy and content in all we do, not that I am a great learner of this, but maybe this little bee has taught me something.

Thankyou little bee for the photos and the lesson I hopefully learn from you. xxx

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