Things to smile about

By Maya

Primary school

Not so long ago I thought photography was very much a see something you like, point and shoot thing. My camera at that time had no settings so that's all I could do. I had used Photoshop for various home-education projects over the years, but mostly had help with that sort of thing and when left to my own devices, if it was something I didn't need to do very often (which it often wasn't), promptly forgot how to do things. I certainly hadn't considered Photoshopping my photographs, thus they were pretty much hit and miss a lot of the time.

All that changed when I began to consider self-employment. I enjoyed taking photographs, even if the results weren't always what I'd hoped for, and I wanted my line of work to be able to fit around home-education, since I still have one child at home being home-educated (the others either having started work, college or having chosen to go to school, in the case of my 12 year old)... it seemed that self-employment as a photographer might be the way to go.... although I see a certain naivety in that now, given that my camera at that time had no settings or anything!

Well, slightly further on down the track I've got a slightly better camera (though am now looking at a better one), have learned so much about photography I didn't know before (obviously) and one of the things I've learned is that if life could be likened to a school of photography, I'm barely walking. So much to learn! Not just about cameras, but Photoshop! I feel very much the new kid on the block, surrounded by people who have far more experience, know far more and have WAY better cameras!

So, today's offering may not be great as photos go, I can see the flaws myself (and have already considered not offering anything for today's entry) ~ but I'm learning! And that's what's important!

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