
By magpie

Doors to manual

Shimmied up to Glasgow from rural Renfrewshire to meet up with some of the Edinburgh relatives and a very nice day was had.

Despite growing up in the west, I don't know the ins and outs of Glasgow that well, so it was great having a walk about, particularly visiting The Briggait, where Lucy's new cool company is based. There seemed to be some promotional stuff going on in the vast space that was once the old fishmarket and I sneaked about taking some photos of the bizarre goings on involving five van Goghs and some grown men wearing comedy cowboy and horse costumes.

However, I've tossed them aside for this, mainly because it shows a potential future blipper but also because it reminds me of the patience of a certain young chap who taught me more in 15 minutes about the manual mode on my camera than that stupid book I bought will ever teach me.

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