live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

can't believe with my auditing grade, oh wow! thank so much God!!

but now i'm so confused with my thesis proposal, i'm stuck stuck stuck..
do not know what topic that i should choose for my thesis proposal, the information system of payroll or cash receipts and inventory or tax or other. must relate to accounting and information systems and this depends on the company that will become material for my thesis.huwaaa..please help!

about this photo :
another walked around, then met them. they were a bit fighting, actually were playing, as you can see, they're holding a wooden stick, they used it as a sword. because they were too cool in playing, they played a little excessive, leading to rough, so they fight. then I tried to separate them and I tried to ask them to forgive each other, hostility and fight are not good. forgive and love are good things. then I asked them to photograph them. so there it is..

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