
By tkt

old friends

On the phone today with a friend I?ve know for more than forty years. We?d kept in touch a bit over the years, but only a bit. It was good, and we talked easily of things that had always been of mutual significance to us ~ talked, in fact, for nearly two hours!

He?s doing the eulogy for the celebration of his mother?s more than ninety five years on Saturday.

Not meaning to be disrespectful, but it all reminded me somehow of a different friend, a remarkable girl, who?d had a pet goldfish when she was three or four. It died, and she kept it under her pillow for a few days. She came back from somewhere to find that her mother had flushed it down the toilet. This made her angry and she cried out, ?What did you do that for? It was still a good COLOR!?

Sometimes old friendships may seem dead, but are only dormant. We?d do well to check them out before flushing them away forever ~ they might still have some good color in them!

Mike and I found out that ours does.

His mother?s are solid gold.

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