Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns


I took the boys to the mall this morning to get them some sandals for our trip. When we got there, I noticed that the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife had a large tank full of trout. They were letting kids fish for free.

My boys have both tried fishing, but they are never patient enough to wait. Well, there was no waiting for a well-stocked pool of fish! They had so much fun reeling them in one after another. They even let us stay longer and get a few extra fish, because there wasn't anyone else there for awhile, and they were afraid that they'd have too many fish left over. On our way out, they gave both boys a certificate commending them on their very first catch. Cool!

We then took the fish home, and I showed the boys how to properly gut a fish. I haven't cleaned fish for years and years. It was a little scary for them at first, but we talked about it and what it meant to have animals for food and how to be thankful. It brought back good memories from when I was a little girl fishing with my dad. By the last fish, my oldest was checking out all the little organs and sorting them.

I take so many photos of my little men, I thought I'd use the first catch as the blip today. I love how the water is flipping up in the air. An absolute MUST in large to see the water flying.

Here were my other favorites:

My oldest concentrating on his technique.

My youngest with eyes sparkling over catching his first fish

"Can I touch it, mama?"

"Mama, I caught it by myself!"

One proud little boy.

Checking out their catch back at home.

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