Christian Pedersen

By ChrisP


I'm back in Beijing, or have been for a couple weeks now. My sisters boyfriend was visiting and luckily he was a pretty cool & nice guy. Between you and me she's dated a lot of idiot losers. We had some pretty awesome days/nights out and even a few drunken heart to hearts. It's been fun. The weather has SUCKED though (really hot and humid with lots of rain and smog). I mean, I really don't shiv a git, but it's been tricky photography-wise. Intense heat and ridiculous humidity aren't exactly comfortable, but it's a welcome change from cold and windy... at least for now.

I might be going to Denmark and Greece in a week or so, but I don't really want to. I mean, I do(!), but I feel like I'm missing out on taking snaps here with this smog.

This blip, obviously a back blip, is from the day I spent in Glasgow before the second leg of my journey here. It was pretty laid back. I caught up with a few people I don't see often or haven't seen other than maybe once (I'm talking about you Tatiana). It was a fun day of catchup, coffee, and playing with my toys. I haven't used the Yashica Mat in a LONG time, because it tended to act slightly erratic, but it's working great now! I mean, other than being a big heavy awkward piece of metal and glass it's a fantastic camera.

Here's another shot of the street performer. I'm not really sure which one I like better.

Yashica Mat 124G
Fuji NPZ 800 (expired 2004)

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