Christine's Photospace

By ceckel


I ended up staying late at Travis' house on Sunday helping him fix the sailboat while also working on book chapters. It was a fun day, but extremely hot and humid outside. Ugh! No wonder the garden is growing so quickly!

I mulched the garden with hay - that is I pulled the weeds and covered the ground with hay to keep moisture in and keep the weeds from coming back up. This worked very well one year when I did it with my garden in Utah so we'll see how well it works on our garden in Virginia. Then we put the rest of the cages on the tomatoes - none too soon either! The plants are growing like gangbusters! Nice.

I encountered a 'sweat bee' for the firs time today. Ouch! The little bugger stung me and it itched like CRAZY. All kinds of new wildlife to experience in Appalachia that we didn't have in the desert West. Speaking of wildlife - along with seeing turtles (see yesterday's blip), there are also frogs galore around here. I managed to catch this guy hanging out around ten pm on Travis' porch. He was fairly good size, though I also saw a couple that were not much larger than the size of my thumb. Too cute! I just love both turtles and frogs and it is so much fun to see them all the time around here!

Happy. :-)

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